Submissions from 2014
Somewhere in the Middle: The Role of Female Community Health Volunteers in a Nepali Hill Village, Sarah Rasmussen
Promoting Positive Attitudes Toward Individuals with Down Syndrome: The Relationship Between Indirect Contact Interventions and the Quality of Previous Contact, Nadine M. Rooney
Late Pleistocene Glacial and Environmental Change, Eastern Glacier National Park, Montana, Nathan Schachtman
South Asian Muslim Health Outcomes in Great Britain: The National Health Service and the British National Imaginary, Marni P. Schreiber
Flock, Erin K. Schulz
Hurdle Models and Age Effects in the Major League Baseball Draft, Justin Sims
Progress Towards the Total Synthesis of a Stable (–)-Xestospongin C Derivative, Kacper Skakuj
Ultrafast Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of Graphene after Mid-Infrared Excitation, Jacob Stein
Political Agency in the Era of Obama and Evo: Local Legacies of Contestation in Atlanta and La Paz, Jeanne Stuart
Biting the Bullet? Assessing the Genuine Advancement of Human Security in the Arms Trade Treaty, Selja Vassnes
How Much Of The Heterogeneity In Returns To College Major Can Be Explained By Institution Type?, Olivia Warner
No more 9/11s: Reconceptualizing national security and the creation of an American garrison state., Jacob M. Waxman
Touchline Democracy: How Soccer's Civil Society Shaped Democratization in Egypt and Turkey, Kai Wilson
Parallel Design Patterns and Program Performance, Yu Zhao
Submissions from 2013
How Ideas grow: Critical Mass in the Linear Threshold Model, Hossein Alidaee
The 'Sister Kingdom' on Display: Ireland in the Space of the British Exhibition, 1851-1911, Elizabeth Allen
Geodynamic Evolution of the Cretaceous Liaonan Metamorphic Core Complex, Northeast China: New Insights from Calcite Twin Paleostress Analysis, Nikita N. Avdievitch
Petrology and Pseudosection Modeling of a Garnet-Blueschist Block-In-Mélange, Santa Catalina Island, California, Mitchell Awalt
Productive Resistance, Nihilist Production, and the Fetish of Negation, Hanna Backman
Neutral Gas Dynamics of the Extreme Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxy Leo P, Elijah Bernstein-Cooper
From Local Actions to Global Solutions: Community-Based Climate Adaptation in Bangladesh, Brianna L. Besch
Transgenerational Effects of Perinatal Iron Deficiency on Gene Expression in the Rat Hippocampus, Mariah Blegen
Rice, Tobacco, and Agricultural Globalization: Exploring the Narrative of the Chinese Agricultural Colony in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hunter Bradley
Cultivating Change: Women's Involvement in a Brazilian Seaweed Collective, Wren Brennan
Humanitarianism and the "National Order of Things": Examining the Routinized Refugee Response in Eastern Cameroon, Angela Butel
Orchestral Conducting: Study and Performance of Orchestral Works by Haydn, Wagner, Strauss and Martinů, Jan Honza Cervenka
Illuminating Emotional States Through Portraiture, Taylor Champoux
The Apartment, Jeesun Choi
Do User Fees Increase Tuberculosis Notifications?, Chioma Y. Chukwumah
Negotiating Neoliberalism: Community-Based Organizations and the Production of Urban Place, Caroline S. Devany
Is the U.S. Stock Market Sufficiently Efficient around Hurricanes?, Hao Ding
The Development of a New Paradigm of Humanitarian Intervention: Assessing the Responsibility to Protect, Jayne Discenza
The effects of ice arch formation on currents in Nares Strait during the springs of 2008 and 2009, Allison E. Einolf
"Mich beschäftigen vor allem Dinge, die sich in meiner Umgebung abspielen": Konstruktionen des Privaten und des Öffentlichen in der Literatur der BRD und der DDR, Christina E. Getaz
Warped Foundations: The Creation of Home and the Spatial Realities of Homelessness, Eric Goldfischer
Making War and Securing Peace: The Viability of Peace Enforcement as a Mechanism for Promoting and Securing Civil War Termination, Shawn H. Greene
Migrant Farmworkers and Access to Health Care in Minnesota: Needs, Barriers, and Remedies, Rachel L. Gunsalus
PSA-NCAM in an siRNA-mediated Knockdown of Spinal PST/STX: An Examination of its Role in Persistent Inflammatory Pain, Katharine Hamilton
I Cannot Tell Your Lie: Alternate and Dominant Narratives of Slavery at Mount Vernon, Virginia, Chelsea Elise Hansen
Eating Spaces and Places: Examining the Latin@ Barrio, Chinatown, and Black Urban Space as Sites of Collective and Social Imagination, Kathlynn E. Hinkfuss
The Painted City: Public Art, Placemaking, and Communities in the Twin Cities, Lora Marie P. Hlavsa
From Below, Erin Holt
This is Spot Dike J: An Analysis of Archaeological Materials Recovered from a Multi-Component Site in Pierce County, WI, Laura E. Holt
When Kashrut is Not "Kosher": The Post Postville Struggle Over Eating, Ethics and American Jewish Identity, Rebecca Z. Hornstein
Financial and Sovereign Debt Crises in Spain: Fiscal Limits and Spillovers, Alexandra Indarte
Decolonization and Community Media: Fostering a Decolonial Imaginary in El Alto, Bolivia, Rebecca Jackson
Deceiving Others After Being Deceived: Lying as a Function of Descriptive Norms, William F. Johnson
How Race Matters: The Parental and Neighborhood Determinants of Child Protective Services Involvement, Emma Kalish
Conflicting Discourses of Participatory Postdevelopment in Community-Led Total Sanitation, Shaina M. Pomerantz Kasper
Nos ancêtres, les pervers: Reading Queerly and Constructing the Homosexual Before the Closet (1810-1830), Gary C. Kilian Mr.
Keeping the Eye of Siberia Luminous: Environmentalism on Lake Baikal in a Transitioning Society (1930-2013), Ingrid K. Korsgard
Johanna Kvan's Honors Recital, Johanna Kvam
The Utility of Darkness: Figments of a State called the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Aimee M. Mackie
Property Restitution and Sustainable Return: Lessons from Bosnia Herzegovina, Dragana Marinkovic
The Cultural Omnivore in Its Natural Habitat: Music Taste at a Liberal Arts College, Anna Michelson
A Dividing City and Limited Education: An Analysis of School Segregation in Chicago, Illinois and Seattle, Washington, Ricardo J. Millhouse
“Normalizing” Japan?: Contestation, Identity Construction, and the Evolution of Security Policy, Daisuke Minami
Medical Metropolis: The Impacts of the Healthcare Industry on Rochester, Minnesota, Agata J. Miszczyk
The Spirits are My Neighbors: Women and the Rab Cult in Dakar, Senegal, Rachel Mueller
The Role of World Knowledge and Episodic Memory in Scripted Narratives, Micah L. Mumper
The Rock Magnetic Record Across the 12.9 ka Younger Dryas Boundary: Evidence for Impact?, Marcy Nadel
An Analysis of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Algorithms, Megan R. Naminski
The Effects of Objectifying Hip-Hop Lyrics on Female Listeners, Ellen S. Nikodym
A Temporal Analysis of Suspended Sediment Concentration Changes in a Proglacial Meltwater Stream, Linnébreen, Svalbard, Kayla E. Nussbaum
The Expression of Alternative Nationalism in China’s Weibo, Cerisa Obern
Geographies of Poverty and Retail: the Impact of Supermarket Expansion on Food Insecurity in Cape Town, Stephen D. Peyton
The Bureaucratic Savior: How Human Service Professionals Allocate Rights to Noncitizens, Mary Pheng
Biogeography of Mite Harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cyphophtalmi) in Eastern Australia, Zachary Popkin-Hall
Bullying and Sensitivity to Rejection: The Role of Individual Difference Variables in Social Exclusion’s Impact on Eating Behaviors, Karen M. Ramos
Thin Skin, Zoe Rodine
Bathing Women: Ritualized Bodies, Feminism, and Jewish Menstrual Purity, Sara Sandmel
Elements of Cohesion: The Role of Business Improvement Districts in Neighborhood Cohesion, Bo Scarim
Historical and Contemporary Development in Lakhota Infixation, Kevin Schaefer
Ultrafast Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of Graphene after Mid-Infrared Excitation, Jacob Stein
Roulette Wheel Selection Game Player, Scott Tong
Earthless - A Sonic Exploration of the Space Between Death and Life, Composed in Five Movements for Chamber Ensemble., Samuel P. Tygiel
Rural Renaissance: The Redevelopment of Rapid City, South Dakota, Callie S. Tysdal
Does the SAT predict academic achievement and academic choices at Macalester College?, Jing Wen
Responding to the Affordable Care Act: Health Insurance Exchange Policy Diffusion, Margaret Worman
Changes in Spinal BDNF Activity with Altered PSA-NCAM Expression in a Mouse Model of Inflammatory Pain, Zhenmei Zhang
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Benford Sequences, Siqi Zheng
Submissions from 2012
The End of Her, Kerry Alexander
Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of mite harvestmen (genus Austropurcellia) in the Wet Tropics of Australia, Caitlin M. Baker
Starving For the Forest: Integrated Conservation and Food Security in Western Madagascar, Leigh Bercaw
Deciphering a Duality: Understanding Conflicting Standards in Sex & Violence Censorship in U.S. Obscenity Law, Rushabh P. Bhakta
Illuminating the Infelice: Defiance and Transcendence in the 19th Century Operatic Madwoman, Claire Biringer
Illuminating the Infelice: Defiance and Transcendence in the 19th Century Operatic Madwoman, Claire Biringer
Elliptic Curves of High Rank, Cecylia Bocovich
Two Hundred Years of "Development": "High Modernism," Water and People in South Sudan, Kevin Boueri
Remembering and Recording the Vietnam War, Margaret Brunk
The Creation of State-Level Regulatory Systems: A Case Study of Post-Prohibition Alcoholic Beverage Regulation, Jeremy Carp
With Heart-Strings Attached: Funding Decisions as Identity Work in Nonprofit Organizations, Jonathan L. Cole
Trans(nacional) Bodies in Motion: Reframing Violence and Resistance in Mexicana Performance and Chicana Theater, Gabriella Deal-Márquez
The Rook-Brauer Algebra, Elise G. delMas
Spontaneous Phonetic Imitation Across Regional Dialects, Ellen E. Dossey