Submissions from 2007
Power Politics: An Empirical Analysis of the Electoral College, Daniel W. Allen
Toward a Common Currency: Using Item Response Theory to Adjust for Grading Inconsistency, Daniel W. Allen
Object-Relational Mapping as a Persistence Mechanism for Object-Oriented Applications, Jeffrey M. Barnes
A New State of Puerto Rican Politics: Framing the Plebiscites on Status, Justin D. Bigelow
Off the Beaten Path: Rural Students and the Pursuit of Higher Education, Ellen Bracken
From Court to Country: A Legal, Social and Political Analysis of Privacy in the U.S., 1965-1974, Rachel Brady
Towards the Total Synthesis of Clathculin B, Susan G. Brown
From Theory to Practice in Postmodern Times: Female Genital Operations as a Catalyst for Interrogating Imperial Feminisms and Decolonizing Transnational Feminist Politics, Christina M. Brux
The Origins of Truth and Reconciliation Commissions: South Africa, Sierra Leone, and Peru, Ashley DeMinck
The Impact of Stock Market Liberalization on Emerging Equity Market Volatility, Pawan Dhir
A translation of Edith Södergran's modernist collections/The September Lyre and Altar of Roses, Vendela Engblom
What Replaced the Kolkhozes and Sovkhozes? A Political Ecology of Agricultural Change in Post-Soviet Russia, Elizabeth C. Engebretson
Trend or Anomaly? Structural Adjustment Policies and the New Latin American Left, Natalia Espejo
Pour Forth the Sparkling Chalice: An Examination of Libation Practices in the Levant, Amy M. Fisher
The Christian Science Child: Subjectivity and Social Marginalization, Ashley Geisendorfer
The Seasonal Impacts of Urban Development on Roadside Old Field Birds in East Central Minnesota, Elizabeth W. Goldsmith
Solitons in AdS_2, Kassahun Haileyesus
Between African Nationalism and Structural Adjustment: How Senegalese Elites Redefined Neoliberalism, Emily Hedin
The Influence of Ethnicity and Nationalism on Soviet and Post-Soviet Urbanization in Tallinn, Estonia and Kazan, Russia., Curran F. Hughes
Modern, Indigenous, Woman: Female Agriculturalists, Sustainability, and Development in the Highlands of Ecuador, Clare H. Jacky
"You Eat Beans!": Kin-based Joking Relationships, Obligations, and Identity in Urban Mali, Rachel A. Jones
The Value of Later Life: Deconstructing the Idea of Aging As Decline, Andrew Judd
Family structures and adult romantic relationships, Abigail E. Katowitz
Resisting Agricultural Assimilation: The Political Ecology of Hmong Growers in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Region, Laura M. Kerr
Perspectives in Dream Function Theory, Rachel Kornfield
Rotational and Hyperfine Structure in the Spectra of TaO and ReO, Kara J. Manke
Crossing the Border: Poverty, HIV and the Women of the Southern Ghana-Togo Corridor, Susan F. Mead
El Vuelo de un Ángel: Trío para violín, violinchelo y piano, Luis Mesa Martinez
Slovakia and the European Union: Complexities and Contradictions, Megan M. Metzger
Farming on the Fringes: Changes in Agriculture, Land Use and Livelihoods in Peri-Urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Sara C. Nelson
From Political to Personal: Forming Feminist Identities, Elizabeth Newman
Examination of the Effects on Orexin A on Rodentive Appetitive and Consumatory Behaviors Using a Progressive Ratio Schedule of Reinforcement, Tuong-Vi (Madeline) Nguyen
Investigating Auxin Metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana Mutants With Altered Adventitious Rooting via High Throughput Indolealkanoic Acid Quantification, Ben L. Pederson
Binge Drinking in College, Audrey Peer
Jazz and the Academy, Thomas Phelan
Japanese-Brazilian Return Migration: Pushes, Pulls, and Prospects, Stephanie N. Phillips
Democracy, Property Rights and FDI in Developing Countries: A Regional Analysis, Brendan Pierpont
Immigrant or Latino? Multiethnic Mobilization and Collective Identity in the Immigrant Rights Movement, Trudy Rebert
Soliton Solutions in Anti-de-Sitter Space, Daniel P. Schroeder
1755 Chicago Avenue, Jake Seltzer
Using a Chemical Genetics Approach to Characterize the Auxin Signaling Pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana, Can M. Sungur
Spectral Classifications of Companion Stars in Herbig AeBe Binary Systems, Anne C. Sweet
One Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus: Necessity and Normativity, Gregory P. Taylor
American Children Encountering the Bible: Ensuring Engagement through the American Education System and the Children’s Bible, Zachary S. Teicher
The Time Horizon of the Forward Premium Puzzle: A New Approach in Examining Classical Explanations, Linh To
Negotiating with Nature: The Evolution of Urban Parks in the Twin Cities, Ariel A. Trahan
Quartet for Saxophones, Anh Trinh
¿Librería o Biblioteca? El Español y el Inglés en Contacto en las Cuidades Gemelas, Martha Truax
Impact of agriculture and urban development on the community structure of wetland birds in East Central Minnesota, Christa R. von Behren
From Pagan to Christian: an archaeological study of the transformation of Corinth in Late Antiquity, Eli J. Weaverdyck
Interpreting Interpretation: Gadamer's Hermeneutic Theory in Language and Politics, Desiree Weber
Sonata for Trumpet and Piano, Josh Whitney-Wise
A Piece of Land: Black Women and Land in South Africa and the United States of America, Alessandra Williams
High School Coaches' Knowledge of Disordered Eating Behavior in Female Athletes, Allison Woerpel
Submissions from 2006
The Mirror's Reflection: Virgil's Aeneid in English Translation, Evelyn W. Adkins
Probabilistic Robot Localization using Visual Landmarks, Peter E. Anderson-Sprecher
Wayward Nuns, Randy Priests, and Women's Autonomy: "Convent Abuse" and the Threat to Protestant Patriarchy in Victorian England, Cassandra N. Berman
Rethinking Transitional Justice: Cambodia, Genocide, and a Victim-Centered Model, Isabelle Chan
Analysis of Defenses against Distributed Denial of Service Attacks, D. Eric Chan-Tin
Selling Social Conservatism, Philip G. Chen
Repopulation as Revitalization? Condominiums in St.Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, Fay L. Cleaveland
An Argument for Same Sex Marriage, Claire B. Deason
A Model Representation for the Symmetric Group and the Partition Algebra, Michael D. Decker
Rethinking Ovid: A Collection of Latin Poetry and Commentary on Composition, Anna C. Everett and Anna Everett Beek
Eugenicism: The Construction of Queer Space in the Works of Octavia Butler and Samuel Delany, Freda Fair
Policing Sexuality in America’s Churches: Theological, Congregational, and Political Influences on Regulation of Same-Sex Behavior, Demoya R. Gordon
Intersecting Global and Local: Spatial Analysis of Ethnicities of Asian Businesses in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metro Area, Grace Emiko Guthe
Centralisation and Status Formation: Institutional Frameworks that Shape Student Movement Outcomes, Cara L. Haberman
An Absolutely Different Life: locating disability, motherhood, and local power in rural Siberia, Cassandra S. Hartblay
The Planar Rook Monoid, Kathryn E. Herbig
Food Security in Urban America: A model based on Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, Joel Larson
Fat Teen Trouble: A Sociological Perspective of Obesity in Adolescents, Katherine Malnor
The Nuptial Ceremony of Ancient Greece and the Articulation of Male Control Through Ritual, Casey Mason
A Third Wave Revisitation of Selected Works of Virginia Woolf and Zora Neale Hurston, Megan R. Nishikawa
Popular Representations of Jewish Identity on Primetime Television: The Case of The O.C., Tamara Olson
Long-Term Outcomes of Patients with Mitral Regurgitation Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, Catherine A. Pastorius
"Political Economy" : Variability and Consistency in the Development of Worker Owned Cooperatives, Cris Ramon
Emissions Policy with Endogenous Technological Change and Knowledge Spillovers, Davin Reed
Playing for an Active Community: Sports Participation and Civic Engagement, Ian E. Ritz
The Effects of Romano-Persian Interaction on the Cultures of the Cities on the Syrian Limes of the Roman Empire, Matthew Selmer
The Role of Ethnic Chinese Networks in China’s FDI Inflows, Dorothe Singer
Negotiating Change: An Analysis of the Origins of Ghana's National Health Insurance Act, Jennifer L. Singleton
The Ambiguous Forest: Marvelous Landscapes in Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Thomas Malory’s Le Morte Darthur, Joanna S. Stein
Sound Source Localization and Separation, Biniyam Tesfaye Taddese
Apartment 8, Katherine A. Tylevich
Submissions from 2005
Mapalester:Powerful, East-to-Use GIS Software Under Development, Brent Hecht
Testing the European Dream: Social Ideals and Cultural Realities in a Unified Europe, Lindsay Jorgensen
Agricultural Subsidies and the Doha Round: A Historic Breakthrough?, Samuel T. Ledermann
U.S. Decision-making in the Korean Conflict: "Lessons of History" from Munich to Clinton, Roland D. McKay
Do Bilinguals Access a Shared or Separate Conceptual Store? Creating False Memories in a Mixed-Language Paradigm, Aaron Mitchel
Return to Sender: Epistolary Form in James K. Baxter’s Jerusalem Sonnets and Lucie Brock-Broido’s The Master Letters, Rebecca Porte
The Geography of Organic Farming in Minnesota and Wisconsin, Andrew C. Riely
Unrecognized Potential along Twin Cities Commercial Corridors, Paul Singh
Geographic Factors as Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Eastern Europe's Transitioning Economies, Jovana Trkulja