Submissions from 2024
A Veneer of Democracy: How el-Zu’ama Dominate Lebanon’s Political System, Sami Banat
American Evangelicals’ New Testament: How Trump Gained Support From The Nation’s Most “Moral” Voters, Isabel V. Capecci
Power, Control, and Policy: A Comparison of State Policy Responses to Domestic Violence, Emily A. Neuman
Religious Right Countermovement Tactics: Taking Down LGBTQ+ Rights One Letter at a Time, Hannah J. O'Connor
How Ballot Measure Wording Affects Preference-Consistent Voting: Experimental Evidence from the United States, William M. Pierce
Embody the Cause: Subaltern Body Protests as Resistance Tactics, Dipakshi Sarma
Which War Stories Get Told? How The Identifiability of Villains And Victims Impacts Media Coverage of Conflicts, Anna D. Sène
Breaking the Mold: Voters’ Perceptions of Femininity in Campaigns, Margaret E. Ulrich
China's Grand Strategy and its Hegemonic Aspirations, Tianyi Yu
Submissions from 2023
Interpretations of Intent: Sovereignty, the Second Amendment, and US Gun Culture, Lola I. Brown
Expanding Carceral Frontiers: The 100-Mile Border Zone and Constituting Latinx Political Subjectivity, Elyse Y. Hatch-Rivera
New Americans and the New Right: Hispanic Voting Trends in the Trump Era of Politics, Emmanuel Keppel
Submissions from 2022
Peer Reviewing the World: Increasing Civil Society Participation in the United Nations Universal Periodic Review, Lucien F. O'Brien
Forgiving Without Forgetting? Privacy in an Age of Digital Permanence, Rock Park
Schooling on the East-West Divide: Educational Weaponization During the Final Phase of the Cold War, Sophia Sahm
Educating to Compete: Pandemic-Era Patterns of Technology Incorporation in the Southern Cone, M. Candelaria Torres Jimenez
Submissions from 2021
Tulsa Wealth Disparity: The Political Legacy of the 1921 Race Massacre, Elizabeth M. Burton
Structured for Success: Activist networks as key to organizing victories at Macalester, Hannah D. Catlin
The Power to Define a People: Race and Immigration in Argentine National Identity, Willow Fortunoff
Follow the Money? Analyzing the Impact of Fundraising on Candidate Withdrawal in the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary, Scotland R. Kraker
Submissions from 2020
Colonial Legacies and Institutional Legitimacy: Explaining Variation in State-Level Informal Economy Size, Makayla Barker
Refilling the Reservoir: How the Supreme Court has Responded to Challenges to its Legitimacy, Samantha A. Leo
Submissions from 2019
Constructing and Destructing the Peace: Models of International Engagement in Post-Conflict States, Colin Churchill
The Political Economy of American Military Aid and Repression, Lukas Matthews
Roads Diverge: A Comparative Study of EU Accession and LGBT Human Rights in Former Yugoslav States, Hannah Maycock
Soldiers, Activists, Legislators: Democratization and Women's Representation in Bolivia and Nicaragua, Margaret Mischka
Notoriously Ruthless: The Idolization of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Lucille Moran
Why We Hear About It, and Why We Don't: Power Dynamics and Sexual Harassment Reporting in US State Legislative Bodies, Halley Norman
The Purple Wave: Gender and Electoral Outcomes in the 2018 Midterms, Semilla B. Stripp
Submissions from 2018
Gender and Campaign Strategy in 2016: A Study of U.S. Senate Races' Responses to the Gendered Dynamic of the Presidential Race, Mariel Adams
Nunca Más: Rhetoric of Human Rights and Democracy in Post-Authoritarian Argentina, Sarah R. Coleman
Restoring a Mapuche World: Resistance to Settler Colonialism in Chile's Child Protection System, Maxine Freedman
Iran’s New Interventionism: Reconceptualizing Proxy Warfare in the Post-Arab Spring Middle East, Emmet Hollingshead
Aeromobile Bodies: Political Subjectivity in Contemporary Air Travel, Chris Pieper
Coca, Capitalism and Decolonization: State Violence in Bolivia through Coca Policy, Margaret A. Poulos
Submissions from 2017
Agro Sí, Mina No: Explaining the Onset of Protest Surrounding Mining Projects in Peru, Jhader Aguad
Do Weapons Make Warfare? An Instrumental Variables Approach Towards Investigating the Relationship Between Small Arms Abundance, Civil Conflict Onset, and Civil Conflict Intensity, Gabriel S. Barrett
Finding Autonomy: The Impact of Judicial Discretion for Disabled Individuals in the American Guardianship System, Katherine Davis
The Bull's Hide Stretched Thin: Catalan (Literary) Nationalism from the Renaixenca to the Death of Franco, Seaver Holter
Female Autonomy: An Analysis of Privacy and Equality Doctrine for Reproductive Rights, elizabeth levi
Transforming the state, challenging the nation: the role of identity politics in the Brexit vote, Rebecca Mendelsohn
From Refugees to Representatives: Exploring Hmong American Political Representation, Sean Mock
The Sino-American War of Words: Soft Power as Coercion, Lucas Deane Myers
From ‘Prisoners of Conscience’ to ‘Prisoners of Poverty:’ Naming and Shaming Economic and Social Rights, Beenish Riaz
(Un-)American Movement: Unaccompanied Immigrant Children and the Rhetoric of Space and Identity, Emily K. Royer
Submissions from 2016
Where Have All the Teachers Gone? A Gendered Analysis of the Teaching Occupation, Reavey Alcott Fike
Adapting to a Protracted Refugee Crisis: Analyzing the humanitarian response to the Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan, Zoe A. Bowman
From British Colonization to the Green Revolution: Legacies of Imperialism on the Development of a Sikh Consciousness of Nationhood in the 1980s, Dilreet Kaur Dhaliwal
Popular Discontents: The Historical Roots of Italian Right Wing Populism, Anthony Marshall Simone
What Went Wrong: Why the US’s State-building Efforts Failed in the War in Afghanistan, Jeffrey S. Witter
Untying the Knot: Child Marriage in Situations of Armed Conflict, Jolena Zabel
Submissions from 2015
Improving U.S. State Department Cultural Exchanges with the Middle East: A Case Study Comparison of Iraq and Jordan, Irene K. Gibson
Unequal democracy: The political position of Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Valentino Grbavac
Swords into Stethoscopes: How the U.S. Military Could Conduct Medical Diplomacy, Oliver Kendall
The Preschool Puzzle: Exploring Variations in Early Childhood Education Teacher Quality Across States, Alice Rockswold
Courtroom to Classroom: Judicial Policymaking and Affirmative Action, Dylan Britton Saul
Escaping Thucydides' Trap: Change, Conflict, and the Future of the American-led Order, Elijah Wohl
Submissions from 2014
"Like Building a Human Being": The Construction of Democracy in Contemporary Russia, Mary Kennedy
Biting the Bullet? Assessing the Genuine Advancement of Human Security in the Arms Trade Treaty, Selja Vassnes
No more 9/11s: Reconceptualizing national security and the creation of an American garrison state., Jacob M. Waxman
Touchline Democracy: How Soccer's Civil Society Shaped Democratization in Egypt and Turkey, Kai Wilson
Submissions from 2013
The Development of a New Paradigm of Humanitarian Intervention: Assessing the Responsibility to Protect, Jayne Discenza
Making War and Securing Peace: The Viability of Peace Enforcement as a Mechanism for Promoting and Securing Civil War Termination, Shawn H. Greene
“Normalizing” Japan?: Contestation, Identity Construction, and the Evolution of Security Policy, Daisuke Minami
Responding to the Affordable Care Act: Health Insurance Exchange Policy Diffusion, Margaret Worman
Submissions from 2012
Deciphering a Duality: Understanding Conflicting Standards in Sex & Violence Censorship in U.S. Obscenity Law, Rushabh P. Bhakta
Theology of Global Citizenship: Belonging Beyond Boundaries, God Within Boundaries, Jisoo Hong
Whose Line is it Anyway? Examining the Media's Coverage of Cabinet Secretaries' Speeches, Matthew G. Mullarky
Challenges to Policy Implementation: An Examination of an Integrated Health Care Delivery System Demonstration Project, Kaitlin A. Roh
Submissions from 2011
Building an Asia-Pacific Security Community: A Role for Australia?, Jonathan K. Chen
Bidding (Fair)well to Due Process: The Need for a Fairer Final Stage in Special Education Dispute Resolution, Calanthe Cope-Kasten
An 'Asia Model'? A Relationist View on Regionalism and China's Regional Identity, Shelle Shimizu
Democratization As Discursive Transformation, Vera Sidlova
Submissions from 2010
Think Outside the Cell: Are Binding Detention Standards the Most Effective Strategy to Prevent Abuses of Detained Illegal Aliens?, Federico D. Burlon
Constructing a Citizenry: Variance in Civic Education in Minnesota's Secondary Schools, Hopi Costello
Political Process and Policy Moderation: Explaining Institutional Durability in the Norwegian Oil Sector, Paal Robson
A Rock Strikes Back: Women's Struggles for Equality in the Development of the South African Constitution, Thuto Seabe Thipe
Submissions from 2009
Weak States and Political Constraints: Experiments with Truth in Liberia and Sierra Leone, Robert Collins Painter
The Social Evolution of War and Transformation in Political Organization, Talon J. Powers
New World, New War: Understanding Global Jihad, Kabir Sethi
The Problem with Eating Money: Remittances and Development within Senegal's Muridiyya, Rebecca F. Sheff
Growing Change: Local Foods Movements and the Emergence of Global Social Change, Annie S. Virnig
Timing Justice: Lessons from the Tribunals in Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and Cambodia, Zoe B. Whaley
Submissions from 2008
Ideology Meets the Real World: How State Collapse Affects Islamist Movements, Zachary Devlin-Foltz
Unequal Votes and the Unequal Branch: Congressional Behavior and Neoliberalism in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, Brendan V. Duke
Transcending Westphalia: The Two Faces of European Foreign Policy, Momchil A. Jelev
Imagined Bridges: Welfare Rights Collaboration among Women of Color and the LGBT Community in Minnesota, Allison A. MacWilliams-Brooks
Security Policy, State Power, and Professional Resistance: Libraries and the USA PATRIOT Act, Ahna Minge
Confronting Childhood: Courts and the Contradictions of Juvenile Justice, Clare F. Ryan
Submissions from 2007
Power Politics: An Empirical Analysis of the Electoral College, Daniel W. Allen
A New State of Puerto Rican Politics: Framing the Plebiscites on Status, Justin D. Bigelow
From Court to Country: A Legal, Social and Political Analysis of Privacy in the U.S., 1965-1974, Rachel Brady
Trend or Anomaly? Structural Adjustment Policies and the New Latin American Left, Natalia Espejo
Between African Nationalism and Structural Adjustment: How Senegalese Elites Redefined Neoliberalism, Emily Hedin
Immigrant or Latino? Multiethnic Mobilization and Collective Identity in the Immigrant Rights Movement, Trudy Rebert