Document Type
Honors Project
Education has become a championship match. Global competition has defined many periods in history, but in the last two decades it has emerged within the knowledge economy, shaping education systems across the world. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the different levels of perceived educational resilience exhibited by states shaped their global competitiveness. Focusing on the Southern Cone of Latin America, this thesis explores the connection between globally competitive educational systems, access to Information Communication Technologies (ICT) and educational resilience during the pandemic through a multivariate regression model. Considering the profound disruption of education caused by the pandemic, I utilize a comparative study to explore the political history of education public policy on ICT in Argentina and Uruguay as well as how these countries handled contingency plans during 2020. In order to explain the varying levels of educational resilience that the international community perceived it is necessary not only to analyse the effectiveness of ICT-oriented responses but also the way these countries ensure education continuity for the most vulnerable sectors of the population. My findings hint at patterns of global positioning in both the degree of pre-pandemic ICT incorporation in education as well as the differentiated educational priorities addressed during 2020.
Recommended Citation
Torres Jimenez, M. Candelaria, "Educating to Compete: Pandemic-Era Patterns of Technology Incorporation in the Southern Cone" (2022). Political Science Honors Projects. 94.
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