Document Type

Honors Project On-Campus Access Only


CIC-DUX4 sarcoma (CDS) is a rare and aggressive subtype of undifferentiated round-cell sarcomas, primarily impacting adolescents and young adults, with a median survival of less than 2 years. Its molecular and cellular aspects remain poorly understood, particularly concerning the CDS surfaceome, cell surface membrane proteins. Understanding the cancer’s surfaceome is important for understanding how tumors interact with their surroundings and laying the basis of developing targeted treatments.

In this study, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the CDS surfaceome using RNA-Sequencing data obtained from CDS cell lines. Through the integration of various analytical approaches, we identi- fied a distinctive subset of 20 surface proteins that encapsulate critical biological attributes, serving as potential therapeutic targets for CIC-DUX4 sarcoma.

Beyond gene expression profiling, we utilized advanced Network Science tools such as ego networks and personalized PageRank centrality. Leveraging existing biomedical literature databases, we identified therapeutic interventions targeting the candidate genes identified in our analysis. Our findings highlighted the potential of computational tools in discovering novel biomarkers and therapeutic avenues for CDS, thereby advancing precision medicine for rare cancers.



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