Volume 3, Issue 1 (2015) Spring 2015
Honors Theses
Do Tidal Interactions Trigger Starbursts in Dwarf Galaxies?
Charlotte Martinkus
Constraining the Properties of the Metal-Poor ISM with Interferometric CO Observations of Low Metallicity Dwarf Galaxies
Edward M. Molter
Mid-IR Excitation of Graphene
Andrew R. Banman and James Heyman
Analysis of Spin Polarization in Half-Metallic Heusler Alloys
Alexandra McNichol Boldin
Ultrafast Photoconductivity Measurements of a Thermoelectric Nanocomposite: Tellurium Nanowire/PEDOT:PSS
Brittany A. Ehmann
Simulating Correlated Disorder in Spin Glass
Jared D. Willard

Cover Art
Rhyan Foo Kune, 2015.
Used with permission.