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"Macalester minority students and administrators through the decades." Story page 10. "The collage of historic photographs on the cover was designed by Elizabeth Edwards. Identifications for individual pictures, clockwise from upper left: Lourdes Aponte '81 and Haydee Perez '80 (also on p.14), photo courtesy Michael O'Reilly; Earl owman '50, Mexican-American program director Max von Rabenau, and EEO director John Warfield (also on p.13), photo courtesy Michael O'Reilly; Lakota Indian Randolph Tuttle, '76, photo courtesy Michael O'Reilly; Mary Harris '77, Brenda Taylor '77, and Carmen Hansford '77 (also on p.10), photo courtesy Macalester Archives; Brenda Hansford (right, class year unknown) with unidentified woman, photo courtesy Macalester Archives; George Spears '79, photo courtesy Macalester Archives."
All rights reserved by Macalester College. No use or reproduction of this image permitted without explicit consent of College Relations, Macalester College.
Lourdes Aponte '81, Haydee Perez '80, Earl Bowman '50, Max von Rabenou, John Warfield, Lakota Indian Randolph Tuttle '76, Mary Harris '77, Brenda Taylor '77, Carmen Hansford '77, James Bennett '69, Brenda Hansford, George Spears '79, minority alumni, minority program administrators, Macalester College
August 1989 issue