Submissions from 2015
Terror Attacks and Bond Yields in the European Union: An Autogressive Transfer Function Approach, Benjamin Goldman
How Do Incremental Wage Increases Affect Low-Wage Workers’ Health Levels?, Cory Stern
Submissions from 2014
Do Expected Marginal Revenue Products for National Hockey League Players Equal Their Price in Daily Fantasy Games?, Benjamin Goldman
Submissions from 2012
Does Proximity to Wind Farms Affect the Value of Nearby Residential Properties? Evidence from Washington and New York States, Natalie Camplair
Do Commercial Banks’ Foreign Claims Affect Sovereign Bond Yields in the Euro Zone?, William Creedon
Submissions from 2011
What is the effect of trade on the gender wage gap in the Mexican manufacturing sector?, jimerson j. asencio ferrufino
How Does Light Rail Transit Affect Urban Land Use?, Needham B. Hurst
Submissions from 2010
The Size Effect and the Capital Asset Pricing Model, Nikhil Gupta
The Effects of Economic Factors in Determining the Transition Process in Europe and Central Asia, David A. Lopez
Do Bank Mergers Create Shareholder Value? An Event Study Analysis, Varini Sharma
Submissions from 2009
Does Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Favor Properties Adjacent to the Development Site?, Atang Gilika
Does Perceiving a Shorter Life Expectancy Make You More Likely to Commit a Crime?, Jeremy Roth
Anonymity and Cooperation: Experimental Evidence from a Public Good Game, Dakota Ryan
Submissions from 2007
Democracy, Property Rights and FDI in Developing Countries: A Regional Analysis, Brendan Pierpont
Submissions from 2005
Stock Option Repricing and Executive Turnover, Jon E. Flatnes
Welfare Caseloads and the 2001 Recession, Andrew Goodman-Bacon
Wage and Productivity Differentials across Privatized, State-Owned and De Novo Firms: Matched Employer-Employee Evidence from Slovenia , Matija Vodopivec
Political Instability and Economic Performance: A Panel Data Analysis, Hazem M. Zureiqat