Infrastructure + Inequality: The Prairie Island Nuclear Plant
Alix Johnson
View site: Infrastructure + Inequality: The Prairie Island Nuclear Plant
This site is the end result of a semester-long project that asked students to produce new research on the Prairie Island Nuclear Plant. Situated in Red Wing, Minnesota, on the Mississippi River and adjacent to the Prairie Island Indian Community, the plant concretized many themes we explored in course readings, including the uneven exercise of “infrastructural power” (Laleh Khalili) and the challenges of practicing “infrastructural citizenship” (Deb Chachra). Students worked in small groups, each practicing different methodologies (archival research, policy research, environmental research and media analysis), then produced public-facing representations of their findings, embedded in an interactive map.
Multimodal Musicianship
Victoria Malawey
Access Online: https://pressbooks.macalester.digital/multimodalmusicianship/
Multimodal Musicianship is an open educational resource for learning music theory and ear training. The content engages concepts related to tonal harmony, suitable for a two- or three-semester music theory and ear training curriculum in a liberal arts college or other higher education setting. This collection of materials offers multiple modes of engaging content—with text, musical examples, audio examples, video content, application activities, and links to supplemental content—designed for users to learn and reinforce their knowledge according to their learning styles and needs.
Activist Lab
Lisa Mueller, Celia D’Agostino, Fitz Fitzpatrick, Tsion Hatte, Life Kunene, Gustavo Marchant Allende, Ally Mueller, Lena Pak, Joseph Polyak, Alessandra Rosa Policarpo, and Ellie Spangler
Visit Site: Activist Lab
Students in my new "Protest Hacking" seminar designed a website to serve as a resource for activists. It condensed and translated emerging social science on effective activism for a general audience. This gave students the opportunity to learn the scientific method, study protests from across history and geographic contexts, and engage with communities. The semester also served as a chance for me to incubate a book project, now published with Beacon Press, called The New Science of Social Change: A Modern Handbook for Activists.
Curious City - In, Out, Above, Beyond: A Cultural Atlas of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Elizabeth Abramson, JoJo Baldus, Henry Beimers, Della Brown, Dio Cramer, Ceren Dolma, Julia Evelyn, Elizabeth Fugikawa, Maggie Jaenicke, Katie Jolly, Anya Lindell Paulson, Margaret Lobbig, Alessandro Antunez de Mayolo Mauceri, Henry McCarthy, Madeline Murnane, Elston Tortuga, Stella Wang, Elliot Wareham, and Ashley Nepp
Curious City - In, Out, Above, Beyond: A Cultural Atlas of Saint Paul, Minnesota features maps, illustrations, and data visualizations covering a wide variety of topics such as ghosts and monsters of Saint Paul, caves along the bluffs, Chinese restaurants, Saint Paul skyways, fossil hunting and more. The atlas was created by the Macalester College Geography Department’s Cultural Atlas Production course in Spring 2019.
Public Health in Latin America: A Research Encyclopedia
Eric Carter, Julia Bayer, Caroline Behling-Hess, Emily Bowler, Charly Fowler, Hannah Gilbonio, Aubrey Hagen, Annika Jorgensen, Beminet Kassaye, Seungyeon Kim, Finn Odum, Martha Pielemeier, and Madrigal von Muchow
This project seeks to offer introductory essays on selected key topics on public health in modern Latin America, spanning from the late 1800s to the present. We wish to guide scholars, at all levels, towards additional resources for research, whether written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. We draw on the expertise of an international community of scholars in such fields as the history of public health and medicine, medical anthropology, and health policy.
Grenzenlos Deutsch
Britt Abel, Erika Berroth, Maureen Gallagher, Adi King, Isolde Mueller, Simone Pfleger, Elizabeth Schreiber-Byers, Faye Stewart, Tessa Wegener, and Amy Young
Access Online: https://grenzenlos-deutsch.com
Grenzenlos Deutsch, an open online curriculum for beginning German
This full-year curriculum is intended as a no-cost alternative to current, more traditional textbooks in the field. It mixes materials rooted in real-world, contemporary communication scenarios, multimedia content, and online learning activities.The Grenzenlos curriculum ensures that the topics of discussion in the language classroom are relevant to and reflect today’s world.
This project was made possible with grant funding and due to the dedication of former librarian, Ron Joslin. Many additional library staff members including Jacki Betsworth and Erin Porter along with many student employees contributed to this project either by managing images or producing/editing videos and text.
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