Individuals in your communities hold their own treasures such as photographs, slides, letters, and more that are at risk. Libraries can play a role in educating our communities about preservation. But, how do you start? The presenters will describe one model for hosting family history preservation days at the library. You will learn about what hardware and software libraries use for digitization/scanning when they borrow the Minitex/Minnesota Digital Library portable kits, types of collaborations with community groups, and topics of education you can offer to your community. During the second half of the session, the presenters will hold a mock scanning event, integrating an overview of digital image basics and tips on preserving content after it is digitized.
Start Date
14-3-2018 1:00 PM
End Date
14-3-2018 2:00 PM
Digital Preservation Day at the Library: A How-To Guide
Individuals in your communities hold their own treasures such as photographs, slides, letters, and more that are at risk. Libraries can play a role in educating our communities about preservation. But, how do you start? The presenters will describe one model for hosting family history preservation days at the library. You will learn about what hardware and software libraries use for digitization/scanning when they borrow the Minitex/Minnesota Digital Library portable kits, types of collaborations with community groups, and topics of education you can offer to your community. During the second half of the session, the presenters will hold a mock scanning event, integrating an overview of digital image basics and tips on preserving content after it is digitized.