In this workshop, you'll learn how to work with two open source timeline resources, the SIMILE project and Timeline JS. In a computer lab environment, you will create your own timeline, and you will gain knowledge that you can take back to your work and put to use instantly. With these easy-to-use freely available timeline tools, it is possible to create small-scale digital humanities projects and exhibits and present them on a website or a blog. Both tools can be used to engage the community with your collections or other online collections. A minimum of technical expertise is needed and these two tools are great for collaborating with colleagues, students, faculty, or others.
Start Date
19-3-2015 2:15 PM
End Date
19-3-2015 3:45 PM
Learn to Use Timelines to Engage Community and Exhibit Digital Collections
In this workshop, you'll learn how to work with two open source timeline resources, the SIMILE project and Timeline JS. In a computer lab environment, you will create your own timeline, and you will gain knowledge that you can take back to your work and put to use instantly. With these easy-to-use freely available timeline tools, it is possible to create small-scale digital humanities projects and exhibits and present them on a website or a blog. Both tools can be used to engage the community with your collections or other online collections. A minimum of technical expertise is needed and these two tools are great for collaborating with colleagues, students, faculty, or others.