Advancing Digital Age Coaching
The school library media specialist has an increasing role of assisting staff with effective integration of technology. Whether it is sitting on the tech committee to help provide visionary leadership, assisting teachers to use technology effectively for assessment and differentiation, creating and supporting digital age learning environments, delivering technology-rich professional development, or promoting digital citizenship, the professional school library media specialist is essential for students and staff to develop these information and digital literacy skills.
Start Date
21-3-2013 1:15 PM
End Date
21-3-2013 2:15 PM
Advancing Digital Age Coaching
The school library media specialist has an increasing role of assisting staff with effective integration of technology. Whether it is sitting on the tech committee to help provide visionary leadership, assisting teachers to use technology effectively for assessment and differentiation, creating and supporting digital age learning environments, delivering technology-rich professional development, or promoting digital citizenship, the professional school library media specialist is essential for students and staff to develop these information and digital literacy skills.