Screencasting: Simple & Inexpensive Virtual Instruction
Learn to make library instruction screencasts for your library even if you’re limited by time and budget. Session participants will learn to create library videos with a hands-on, interactive demonstration of the screencast recording process from start to finish using Screencast-OMatic and YouTube. Participants will discuss other considerations in starting a virtual library instruction program, including accessibility, methods for ongoing maintenance, and the effective placement of videos.
Start Date
20-3-2013 2:30 PM
End Date
20-3-2013 4:45 PM
Screencasting: Simple & Inexpensive Virtual Instruction
Learn to make library instruction screencasts for your library even if you’re limited by time and budget. Session participants will learn to create library videos with a hands-on, interactive demonstration of the screencast recording process from start to finish using Screencast-OMatic and YouTube. Participants will discuss other considerations in starting a virtual library instruction program, including accessibility, methods for ongoing maintenance, and the effective placement of videos.