Policies | HIMALAYA, the Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies | Macalester College


HIMALAYA, Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies, publishes peer reviewed original research articles, short field reports, book and film reviews, reports on meetings and conferences, alongside literature and photo essays from the region.

Click here to view examples on how to choose keywords when submitting an article to HIMALAYA. [last updated 31 August 2021].

Click here to download the Style Guidelines for submitting articles, reports, and reviews to HIMALAYA. [last updated 19 October 2019].

Click here to download our Special Issue Proposal Guidelines.

Click here to submit to HIMALAYA.

HIMALAYA submissions are reviewed using a double blind peer review process. Should you be invited to revise and resubmit your article, or if your article is accepted with minor revisions, the peer review process will involve uploading revised versions of your manuscript. You are asked to follow provided links to upload revised submissions under the same manuscript number. Please refrain from submitting a revision as a "new article submission."

HIMALAYA promotes the sharing of information, and we therefore encourage the reproduction and onward dissemination of HIMALAYA material. You can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of any HIMALAYA articles. HIMALAYA provides full open access to its authors and readers. Publishing with and reading HIMALAYA is free of charge.

All articles published in HIMALAYA are licensed under a Creative Commons ‘Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives’ [4.0 International License].

The CC BY-NC-ND license means that:

  • you may reproduce HIMALAYA materials, provided you acknowledge the source/author.
  • you may use, download, transmit or print material from the HIMALAYA website (or the print version) for any private, research or educational purpose. You may not use these materials for commercial purposes. (Non-Commercial)
  • you may not alter, transform or build upon these materials. (No Derivatives)
  • Under certain conditions, the editors of the journal may agree to specific requests to adapt material that has been published in the journal HIMALAYA – for example, to be translated into another language. Please contact the editors himalaya@anhs-himalaya.org to with your request.

    Please direct correspondence to:

    Jeevan Sharma and Michael Heneise, Editors
    email: himalaya@anhs-himalaya.org

    School of Social & Political Science
    University of Edinburgh
    Chrystal MacMillan Building
    15a George Square
    Edinburgh EH8 9LD
    Scotland – United Kingdom