Featured Publications
Audio Recordings from the Macalester College Archives (Archives Audio and Video Collections)
Award Winning Anthropology Papers (Anthropology Department)
Award winning papers for anthropology students include: The Gateway Prize for Excellent Writing, The Jack M. Weatherford Award for Best Capstone in Anthropology, and papers awarded special recognition by scholarly associations.
Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies (Kofi Annan Institute for Global Citizenship)
ISSN 1528-6258
Bildhaan is a multidisciplinary journal that stresses public intellectual engagement. Established in 2001, it is the first of its kind and encourages submissions in all fields that are relevant to Somali peoples around the world.
Macalester Journal of Physics and Astronomy (Physics and Astronomy Department)
ISSN 2332-7669
Oberlin Digital Scholarship Conference
The first ever Oberlin Digital Scholarship Conference was held June 10-12, 2016 on the Macalester College campus in St. Paul, Minnesota. It was an event for Oberlin Group staff and faculty with significant interests or responsibilities in digital scholarship, digital humanities, and other digital projects to meet, network, and learn together.