Document Type

Honors Project


This study examined the historical, political, and societal factors that have led to differing collective identification with the term "black" in Ecuador and Dominican Republic. Ecuador has been home to one of the most organized and supported black social movements in Latin America, regardless of their small Afro-descendant community. Conversely, within Dominican Republic, a largely Afro-descendant nation, national discourses have served to negate African heritage, favor racial whitening, and create the myth of an "Indian" nation. To account for these differing outcomes, this study examined how the implementation of race-based national ideologies known as mestizaje in Ecuador and antihatianismo in Dominican Republic has served to shape why both nations identify with the concept of blackness differently. A historical analysis of both countries shows that the different foci of these ideologies, differing outcomes of spatial/racial orders, land/citizenship rights, education, and access to transnational black social movements have all influenced the current discrepancy in identification with a black collective identity in both countries.



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