

The astrophysical stochastic gravitational-wave background (SGWB) is the product of overlapping waveforms that create a single unresolvable background. While current LIGO sensitivity is insufficient to uncover the SGWB, future space-based detectors and Third Generation (3G) experiments are expected to probe deep enough for detection. Predictions of the SGWB can constrain future searches as well as provide insight into star formation, merger history, and mass distribution. Here, three primary methods are used to calculate a theoretical SGWB. The first method integrates over a precomputed mass distribution probability grid, while the second and third employ Monte Carlo integration with simulated data. After standardizing a prior distribution across both methods, the output energy density spectra is analyzed with regard to parameters such as binary black hole mass, merger rate, and spin distribution. Increasing the maximum merger mass shifts the gravitational-wave (GW) energy density peak to lower frequencies, while increasing merger rate parameters increases the GW energy density. In addition, higher spin magnitude and more closely aligned spins produce a maximum GW energy density higher in amplitude and frequency.

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