
This paper seeks to answer two questions, ’who migrate?’ and ’who migrate where?’ Social exclusion is the framework for this study of migration. It is argued that social exclusion as measured by economic assets and human, cultural, social and geographical capital may explain or is correlated with the migration decision and the choice of destination. Using data from the Nepal Living Standards Survey 2003/04, a probit regression model is used to examine migration choice and a multinomial logit model is used to examine the choice of destination. The models are based on the presumption that social exclusion may explain the migration and the choice of destination. The indicators of social exclusion are found to provide opportunities and constraints for migration and the choice of destination.


The author would like to thank Dr. Magnus Hatlebakk who provided valuable guidance and Prof. Bal Kumar KC and Chaitanya Mishra for their valuable suggestions. Thanks also go to the CMI Poverty Research Team and CMI-CEDA research seminar participants for comments and to the Social Inclusion Research Fund (SIRF) which has funded this research with support from the Norwegian Embassy, Nepal.

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