Program Overview
2013 Program Overview
NOTE: Presentation materials have been submitted and uploaded for those titles with live web links. More will be added immediately after the conference.
DAY #1: Wednesday, March 20, 2013
7:30am - 9:00am
Registration / Continental Breakfast
8:00am - 8:45am
Early Bird Demo Sessions
- Q: What’s next with Institutional Repositories? A: The Network (bepress)
- It Wasn’t Designed for Librarians! (Springer)
- OCLC: WorldShare Mgmt Services: Cooperative Library Management (OCLC)
9:00am - 10:15am
Opening Plenary Session / KeynoteKeynote Speaker:
Virginia Eubanks is the cofounder of Our Knowledge, Our Power (OKOP), a grassroots anti-poverty and welfare rights organization, and the Popular Technology Workshops, which help community organizations and social movements make the connection between technology and their other social justice goals. She teaches in the Department of Women’s Studies at the University at Albany, SUNY and writes books about technology, social justice, and politics.10:30am - 11:30am
Concurrent Sessions
- But You’re So Far Away: Issues in Providing Library Services to Students in Online Courses
- OMG! My Metadata is as Fresh as the Backstreet Boys: How Google Refine can Update…
- A User-Centered Design Approach to Designing a Libraries Website
- Everyone’s an eBook Expert: Staff Support Strategies
- Working with Institutional Records: An Overview of a Project at the Mpls Institute of Arts
- A Spectrum of Support: Planning Services for Digital Humanities Scholars
- Low-skilled Adult Learners and Learning Technologies: Strategies Supporting Inclusion
- Things in a Flash: K-College iPad Apps
11:30am - 1:00pm
Lunch and Sponsor’s Dessert Reception
1:15pm - 2:15pm
Concurrent Sessions
- Instructional Videos on the Library Website: Process and Challenges
- Linked Data vs Schema.org: A Town Hall Debate about the Future of Information
- Drupal Helps you Create Great Web Apps, Fast!
- There is Such a Thing as a Free Lunch: Free Software for Ease of Access AND Improved Productivity
- Strong and Free: Building a Resilient Data Store North of the Border
- Personal Archiving: Helping Users Recognize and Preserve Their Treasures
- What a MESS! Implementing Licensed and Free Mobile Applications for Electronic Library Resources
- Websites are for People
2:30pm - 3:30pm
Concurrent Sessions
- Road to Endeca: Building an OPAC Outside of the Box
- Getting Their Pinterest: Using Pinterest to Market Your Library
- Steal this Tutorial!
- Using CollectionHQ and Supplemental Tools to Rethink Collection Management
- All Rivers Flow to the Sea: Integrating Web-Scale Discovery with Existing Systems
- How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Institutional Repositories
- New Wine into Old Wineskins? Adding the Visual to Literacy Instruction
- Is that a Doctor in Your Pocket? Medical and Health Information on the Go
3:45pm - 4:45pm
Concurrent Sessions
- The Humble Barcode Rides Again: Automating Circulation at Quatrefoil Library
- Webquests: Recycling and Renewing
- Inside the Mind of the User: Website Usability Testing
- The Little Library That Could: How Switching to Open Source Enabled Us to Better Serve Patrons
- Digital Preservation = Enduring Access
- Just a Minute: Delivering Quick Tutorials at the Point of Need
2:30pm - 4:45pm
Hands-on and Workshop Sessions (attendance may be limited for some sessions)
- How Do We Know? Assessment Approaches for Library Technology
- From Hanging Out to Messing Around: Teen Technology Facilitators in Twin Cities Public Libraries
- Screencasting: Simple & Inexpensive Virtual Instruction
- GIS Lite: Simple and Free Mapping Resources for Spatial Scholarship
- Envision the Future of Libraries in 2025 with the Minnesota Library Futures Initiative
- Decoding and Developing the Online Finding Aid as a Building Block to Understand XML, EAD, and Web Development
- Creating and Publishing eBooks
DAY #2: Thursday, March 21, 2013
7:30am - 9:00am
Registration / Continental Breakfast
8:00am - 8:45am
Early Bird Demo Sessions
- eBooks, eBooks & more eBooks (EBSCO)
- Ex Libris Alma – Unlocking Opportunities for Collaboration (Ex Libris)
9:00am - 10:15am
Thursday Morning Plenary Session / KeynoteKeynote Speaker:
Kimberly Bryant is a Biotechnology/Engineering professional who has spent the last decade in the Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, and Manufacturing industry in a series of technical leadership roles for various Fortune 100 companies such as Merck, Pfizer, and Dupont. Most recently Ms. Bryant spent 5+ years as a Senior Manager with Bay Area biotechnology company Genentech. Ms. Bryant founded BlackGirlsCode in April 2011 to meet the needs of young women of color who are underrepresented in the currently exploding field of technology.10:30am - 11:30am
Concurrent Sessions
- VuFind—A Web 2.0 Interface for Your Library Catalog, Electronic Resources, and More
- Clear Eyes, Open Source, Can’t Lose: Pairing Assessment and Open Source Tools for a Winning Combination
- Raising the Bar: A Library’s Ebook ‘Reader Bar’
- Join the Revolution: Reconceptualizing Textbooks and Educational Resources
- Basic Elements of Responsive Web Design
- Demand or Patron Driven Acquisitions—Let the User Decide
- Changed but Still Critical: Brick and Mortar School Libraries in the Digital Age
- Hot, Free, and Downloadable: Tech for Teens and Why You Care
11:30am - 1:00pm
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Poster Sessions / Tech Lounge / Lightning Rounds
- Lightning Rounds
- Accidentally Embedded
- Is this a job for librarians? Report on project to collaborate on database for news article analysis
- Beyond the Map–Using iPads for Library Tours
- Tracking Book Return Performance with Access Database
- Campus History and Spatial Scholarship
- Scrivener: Organize Your Writing
- A Web Resource to Connect Instructors to Library E-resources: Supporting Integration of Library Content into the Curriculum
- Digital Signage: A Creative Approach
- Dataverse: a free, hosted solution for social sciences data
1:15pm - 2:15pm
Concurrent Sessions
- Mind Mapping to Manage Your World
- Digital Public Library of America: Minnesota’s Contribution
- Advancing Digital Age Coaching
- The Mobile Revolution
- Crowdsourcing a Library Logo: One Library’s Experience
- Hash Mark Haters: Implementing Technology-Based Reference Desk Statistics
- Internet Spitballing—Using Pinterest to Spur, Mold, and Share Creative Ideas for Project Design
- Copyright, Licenses, and Fair Use: What’s Up With That?
2:30pm - 3:30pm
Concurrent Sessions
- Going Above and beyond IT Limitations Using the Cloud
- Creating and Sustaining a Faculty/Staff Learning Community to Explore iPads in Higher Education
- Are You Ready for Your Close-up? Creating Online Videos
- Creating and Implementing Information Literacy-based Online Multimedia Instructional Content
- e-Textbooks and Students: Shifting Perceptions
- Homegrown Usability Testing—Did it Work?
- Takin’ It to the Streets: Mobile Library Card Applications for Community Events
3:45pm - 4:45pm
Concurrent Sessions
- Agile Web Design and Usability Testing: An Experiment in Redesigning an Internal Website
- Accio Data: Managing Collaborative Projects with Free Tools
- Piloting eBrarian: An Online Instructional Model
- Moving Forward on OCLC WorldShare Management Services: Current Status and Future Development
- eBooks: Public Training Challenges and Benefits
- iPads for Public Use
2:30pm - 4:45pm
Concurrent Sessions
- Seeking Serendipity with Summon: How Web Scale Discovery Changed How We Think about Teaching and Reference
- It’s Time for your Library to Mobilize
- Libraries and Cloud Computing: Roles and Possibilities
- From SELCOtv to the Library Variety Hour: Using Streaming Media for Collaboration, Communication, Continuing Education and Outreach
- 3D Library Displays: Bridging the Gap Between Physical and Online Patrons and Resources
- Left to Our Own Devices—Cool Tools for Various Devices That You Can Use in Your Library!
4:15 - 5:30pm
Closing / Wine and Cheese Reception