
You no longer need to be a graphic designer to create professional-looking publications. It's easy with a few simple software tools and an introduction to graphic design. In this session, participants will learn to use Microsoft Publisher, Paint, and Snipping Tool to create a flyer to take back to their library. Along the way, they will be introduced to graphic design elements, including fonts, color, and composition, to bring their marketing materials to the next level.

Start Date

19-3-2015 2:15 PM

End Date

19-3-2015 3:45 PM


Mar 19th, 2:15 PM Mar 19th, 3:45 PM

Form, Function, and the Right Tools: Effective Publications for the Accidental Designer

You no longer need to be a graphic designer to create professional-looking publications. It's easy with a few simple software tools and an introduction to graphic design. In this session, participants will learn to use Microsoft Publisher, Paint, and Snipping Tool to create a flyer to take back to their library. Along the way, they will be introduced to graphic design elements, including fonts, color, and composition, to bring their marketing materials to the next level.